
Woodcuts and Linocuts

Each design is hand carved into a block of wood or linoleum. Then, an even layer of ink is applied to the block. Finally, it is pressed onto either paper or cloth to make the print.

“Motorcycle.” Woodcut print on a painted postcard.

“Koi.” Linocut print on a t-shirt.

These are in progress. I’ve finished the design and the rough cuts. Next, I carve out the details and try some test prints.

Here is a test print of the Porsche woodcut. Notice that some of the details have changed.

And the giraffe test print.

Generally, linoleum is easier to carve than wood.

Abstract Painting

“Abstract Doodle.” 5×7. Acrylic on paper.

“Family.” 11×14. Acrylic and oil on canvas. Painted with a brush and found objects.

These postcards were painted with found objects: an old Webster’s Dictionary, a mouthpiece from a 2-valve bugle, a metal cap from a glass jar, a broken piece of ABS plastic, and one chopstick.

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